
Written by: SLK | 『Bika』(452700028478) & 夢の始まり(xiao) (205100074048)


P1, ATK +80 when using a fire element main weapon.

P2,unlock fifth relic slot (only for her set)

P3, ATK +320 when using a fire element main weapon.

P4, Max fide soul +1

P5,During her ultimate, there'll be 40% chance to blocks 2 hits

P6,Max fire soul +1, fire soul deals dmg once per fight 

P2, P4 and P6 are the most important perks

Core Talent (Ninjutsu): 

-GEAR 2 (greater aim/dmg)

-Flame Shield

Additional Notes

Pepper is great on Bounty with high hp

Flame Soul will generate in Boss Fight, which increase your dmg by a lot

(sowy Pepper is really new for me) 

Team effect

For every 5 second, increase Ninjutsu atk


Phoenix Jade Pendant

s effect: ATK + 65, heal + 1/s

ss effect: ATK + 135, heal + 1/s

ss plus r1 effect: ATK + 165, heal + 2/s. 

ss plus r2 effect: ATK + 200, heal + 2/s. 

ss plus r3 effect: ATK + 239, heal + 3/s. 

Seven Flame Rosary

s effect: start with 1 fire soul.

ss effect: start with 2 fire soul, ATK + 30.

ss r1 effect: start with 2 fire souls, ATK + 60.

ss r2 effect: start with 2 fire souls, ATK + 122. 

ss r3 effect: start with 3 fire souls, ATK + 188.

Red Lotus crystal

s effect fire element ATK + 55, HP + 45

ss effect: fire element ATK + 90, HP + 65

ss r1 effect: fire element ATK + 101, HP +80.

ss r2 effect: fire element ATK + 125, HP + 96.

ss r3 effect: fire element ATK + 156, HP + 115

her set: 

lv 1 when pepper has 3 fire soul with her ATK+306

lv 2 when pepper has 3 fire soul with her ATK +360

lv3 when pepper has 3 fire soul with her ATK +387 

lv4 when pepper has 3 fire soul with her ATK +414

lv5 when pepper has 3 fire soul with her ATK +454


Fire Blessed - Vermilion Bird

-Cheese dmg during Ninjutsu

Fire Bansho

-Lovely low cd

-Can cheese boss for higher dmg

-Great dmg and energy gains

Combinations of relics

there are six(3 that have p2, 3 doesn't) combination of relic I recommend, (1, no p2) master mystique, ninjutsu cheat sheet, Phoenix Jade Pendant, seven flame rosary.

1.this combination make sure pepper can use her ultimate as soon as she got into the boss fight with collecting ninja coins in the bounty

and 1 with p2, master mystique,  ninjutsu cheatsheet, Phoenix jade Pendant, seven flame rosary, Thunder dragon sheath.

this combination make sure she can use her ultimate asap as well but also buff the dmg deal by weapon

2.combination 2 without p2, fire shuriken, fire ring, thunder dragon sheath, master mystique, this combination is considered for people who don't not have her set when they got her and does not let pepper use her ultimate asap but the set increases the dmg deal by weapons 

combination 2 with p2, fire shuriken, fire ring, seven flame rosary, red lotus crystal,  master mystique

this combination does a tone of dmg and give pepper some extra ninjutsu charge

and last 2

3.the combination is particularly designed as a pair for your pepper and sub ninja

how does it work is you put the sub ninja in starter spot and equip master mystique and ninjutsu cheatsheet and sacrifice her/him when the boss fight starts, and respawn with pepper so your pepper is ready to use ultimate and 2 weapons

and here is the combination 3, for no p2 is, fire ring, fire shuriken, seven flame rosary, red lotus crystal, for p2 is fire shuriken, fire ring, seven flame rosary, red lotus crystal

if you're not sure what to equip then there is a simple rule for pepper(or you can say  most of the ninjas) because she has the second highest hp after riki(I think) you can just choose starting ninjutsu energy>DMG>hp>DMG resistance> score bonus

for talent I don't want to waste to long on this, simple rule still ultimate time=DMG>anything else

4.I would like to add another 2 relic combination on relics, 4th combination for no p2 is Phoenix jade Pendant, thunder dragon sheath, red lotus crystal, seven flame rosary, of course you need sacrifice ninja with this set

and with p2 fire ring, fire shuriken, seven flame rosary, Phoenix jade Pendant, red lotus crystal might also be good for you and it need sacrifice ninja as well

and with weapons, there are currently 3 fire weapons. dragon's feast, vermilion bird and fire bansho

I recommend fire bansho or vermilion bird to be main weapon and dragon's feast to be sub weapon

using vermilion bird will launch pepper out and bansho does high dmg, dragon's feast heals and gives energy

If you dont have a fire ssr it's ok ssr does more dmg than fire sr while not the defensive once of course

if you're not sure about priority for talent there are also simple rules, DMG=extra ultimate time>hp>everything else